Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Should We Then Live?

This is question that I have beeen asking myself all week. Our lecture this week was a video series by Francis Shaeffer, titled "How Should We Then Live?" Although it is set in the early 80s, and the setting reminds me very much of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," the content is outstanding. When you can see past the things that could very well be distracting and listen to what Schaeffer is saying, it blows you away. He teaches about How the world has come to have the mindset that we do, and the views that we hold regarding the world, universe, and God (or god, or non-god). He talks about our government, and the mindset behind the socialistic views that we hold and that we are moving towards, which is basically a Marxist view of life nad how life should "be run." Although it may sound good, giving to the poorer of our nation, where is our goverment getting its money? If they are going to cut the taxes of the "working man" so to speak, then who will they charge to kep up spending like they are? The wealthy, the money makers, the job creators of our nation. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Sounds good, like Robin Hood ya? No. If the wealthy have less, they will not have as many opportunities to create jobs and places for the 'working man' to work, therefore making them poorer, and even more dependent on the wealthier. so the government will have to take care of them, but where will they get the money? The government doesn't have any money! It will be taken from the rich, creative job creators. Where did this socialistic mindsest come from? Where will it lead? What sort of ideas helped fuel the fire for this cause? Can we see where this mindset has led in the past inother countries? Think about person's idea has a consequence, whether we want to believe it or not.

So then, what do we do? How should we then live? What can we do to prevent this happening in our country, can we even do anything that will help in any way? What does God want us to do, where does he want us to go to make known that this is the state in which we are living our lives, even though most are ignorant about it and blindly accepting whatever the goverment and media feeds them? Be a megaphone for the information that most are turning a blind eye about. Influence whatever area or areas you can, because if you don't go out and inform people, who will?

John 16:33. "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. but take heart! I have over come the world."

"Jesus already won this war..."-Cool Hand Luke


Kevin said...

Anna, I actually show a video or two of this series in my philosophy class. I also got to see him do it live in Chicago. He use to be a pastor in St. Louis. How are you doing? Love you and miss you bunches.

jahcriado said...

Ah, Francis Shaeffer, such a good intellectual Christian. I am a bit out of it when it comes to my old apologetic desires... I need to get back into writers such as him. You really need to check out his book "A Christian Manifesto", I know redeemed music & books, down near CPO, has had copies before & you can find it at this awesome on line book store ( Anyways, good luck with your Scotland adventures & if you see Anna @ work tell her Rick says hi!