Driving to Kansas City with my amazing friends for a Royals vs. Yankees game...GO YANKEES!!!
Derek Jeter up to bat
They won the game 6 to 1. ;)
Springtime! Goodness life changes fast-I feel like I can never say that enough. My last post was November; to those who actually read this blog, I am sincerely sorry. Here is a brief run down of what has happened the past few months...
-I finished the school I was attending in Maui, the School of Biblical Foundations and Missions. I learned an incredible amount of information during that time; not just facts, but truths that shape my thoughts, who I am, and the way that I think. I never realized before how much the cultures that we live in shape and mold us to be a direct product of that culture. During that time I studied different religions, such as Islam, Hinduism, Secular Humanism, Buddism, Marxism, and New Age. I learned about the nature of Truth, Cross-cultural communication, and many other topics, most of which blew my mind! It will never cease to amaze me that the more you learn, the less you realize you actually know. The smartest men are the ones that realize that they know nothing. Incredible ;)
-After SBFM was finished, I returned home to the rolling hills of the Ozarks, otherwise know as the great Springfield, MO. However, the only ones that were aware of this return home were my sister, her husband, and myself. I had omitted that little detail when I spoke to my parents and friends back home. SURPRISE! ;)
I have been living at home since I returned in mid-December. I am currently working as a shift manager at a wonderful little coffee shop called Fog City Coffee. I have always wanted to be a barista, so this little opportunity works out wonderfully! I am planning on starting an internship this coming September in Paisley, Scotland at their YWAM base. The internship is called Pereginati Way, which means to set out from home without agenda. I have no agenda of my own, only what God wants to do in and through me. During this internship I will be in staff training, leadership training, and be working in the base and around that community of Paisley. I will have chances to pioneer ministries according to my giftings, and I will be able to plug into ministries that are already going on at the base. There will also be opportunities to travel to Romania and possibly to Africa to work with the people there. I am very excited to see what God has for me during that season of my life!
As excited as I am to move to Scotland, I am also really blessed and content living here in Springfield at this time. I have learned so much and been changed so much this past year, and this time is amazing for soaking in what God has done in me and being open and ready for what else he wants to teach me about His character and nature, as well as about myself.
I will be sure to keep everyone updated on what my life looks like, and what crazy things God is showing me. Have a grand spring day!
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